Thursday, November 30, 2006


A Cold Wind Blows

How depressing the long cold winter is to a would be long-distance cyclist... I've invested a few well earned pounds in the right gear, and, as you may have read in the previous blog, even risked the wrath of my fellow "lads" by wearing a pair of cycling tights to keep my knees snug. It's not really the cold that's preventing me spinning those cranks and eating up a few Suffolk miles. It's the wet. It's been raining quite alot lately and even between rain storms the roads aren't drying out and as I've got slicks on my wheels, it's probably not safe to go flying round a 90' bend at 25 mph on wet, leaf soggy tarmac...

If it's not the cold and it's not the rain, it's the bloody chair repair man. Wednesday was a lovely day here in Suffolk. The sun shone in huge blue skies and the roads dried out (well almost). I was all geared up to go out but couldn't as an engineer was coming to my home office to try and work out why my swivel chair had leaked oil all over my beige carpet in the study. Well, his company were supposed to call to let me know when they were coming, but in this day and age keeping a promise to a customer is a bit much to ask, isn't it... Anyway, he turned up at five o'clock by which time it was pitch dark and raining again, so another opportunity to keep the fitness levels up went passing by...

I hit a milestone this week. I've now raised 25% of my £2,500 target with new donations coming in. Special thanks to David and Doris Orr who have made a second donation of £50. They won some money at a race course and wanted my charities to benefit. Top couple... Thanks are also due to BT who through their Community Partnership Scheme donated £100 which has gone straight to Brook Farm Playgroup to pay for some communications equipment for the kids - Internet to you and I!

Hopefully, the next time I write the sun will have been shining and me and my tights (they are designer ones at least) will have racked up another few hundred miles... Is June really only six months away now!!!!??? Yikes!

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